What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small file placed on your computer's hard drive. it enables our website to identify your computer as you view different pages on our website. By continuing to use this website with cookies enabled, you consent to our use of cookies.
How we use Cookies
From time to time, we may use other third party services such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media, the presence of which will be readily apparent from their on-screen icons. In each case, any cookies set by the providers of these services are set by them directly. They are not set by this website and we have no control over them. Please refer to these services’ own privacy policies if you wish to check how they use cookies.
Controlling Cookies
You can use your web browser's cookie settings to determine how our website uses cookies. If you do not want our website to store cookies on your computer or device, you should set your web browser to refuse cookies.
However, please note that doing this may affect how our website functions. Some pages and services may become unavailable to you.